Sabtu, 02 Mei 2020

Draft Introduction Essay

Draft introduction of essay
-          Covid-19 in Indonesia
-          Indonesian EFL learners
-          Media
-          Problem faced
-          Resolve

Title: Problem Faced by Indonesian EFL Learners in Pandemic Covid-19

Covid-19 or novel corona virus is a mild to severe respiratory illness that is caused by a corona virus (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 of the genus Betacoronavirus), is transmitted chiefly by contact with infectious material (such as respiratory droplets) or with objects or surfaces contaminated by the causative virus, and is characterized especially by fever, cough, and shortness of breath and may progress to pneumonia and respiratory failure. This virus began to be widely discussed in Indonesia around March 2020. Until now Covid-19 has taken a significant number of victims in Indonesia. In the context of facing the covid-19 pandemic, the Indonesian government implemented social distancing as a result, all community activities were restricted, including in the field of education. Now all forms of learning are closed. This causes difficulty in adapting students to the learning process because it does not get a direct explanation face to face. Especially for EFL learners in Indonesia this is quite a challenge, because learning English requires direct practice to be able to understand learning well.
This essay discusses about problem solve by Indonesian EFL learners in pandemic covid-19. First, it discusses Indonesian EFL learners and method in EFL education. Second, the impact of pandemic covid-19 on the Indonesian education system. Third, how to resolve and learn English in pandemic situation. Fourth, discusses about media that can be used to learn English in pandemic situation by Indonesian EFL learners. Finally, this essay summarize about the ways to learn English language by Indonesian EFL learners in pandemic covid-19.

Merriam Webster. (27 April 2020). Covid-19. Access on May 1 2020, from

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